One Stop XaaS
Hub for Gaming
About us
"The Collective Ace Group" is a holding acting as a one-stop Service Hub in Gaming. Service companies are the backbone of the dynamically growing gaming industry. Despite their essential role they are stretched for growth and recognition. The Group aims at turning the spotlight on these companies and providing opportunities for them to grow together. Together we want to be the "Ace" of the gaming service sector and deliver best in class services for our clients all at the convenience of a one stop solution.

Value Proposition
If you’re one of the unsung heroes of the industry looking to scale up your growth, you just found your tribe.
Benefit from our financial firepower, economies of scale and reap the advantages of joining the financial, tax & legal structure of an MNC holding.
You bring expertise in your area and keep managing your company, while benefiting from the Collective’s development. Together we spruce up the gaming service sector and give it the long due recognition.
The Team
Passionate gaming professionals and industry veterans each bringing more than 10 years of industry experience have come together under one umbrella.